Year: 2001

8 Life Lessons For This Moment

8 Life Lessons For This Moment

Change is an interesting concept. When we view a change as good, we welcome it, even strive to achieve it – but when we view it as bad, we turn around, run away, and do our very best to resist it. We live in a 

13 Top Billionaires’ Tips on Positive Thinking—and Why It Matters

13 Top Billionaires’ Tips on Positive Thinking—and Why It Matters

In popular culture, people know that they are supposed to “think positive.” We all sort of know that we should scotch-tape affirmations to our bathroom mirrors and say “I love you” to ourselves, and keep our chins up (presumably while reading those mirror-stuck affirmations) But 

6 Surprising Skin Care Benefits Of Hemp Seed Oil

6 Surprising Skin Care Benefits Of Hemp Seed Oil

Did you know cannabis can be an important herb? Although it’s normally associated with marijuana and hence illegal, there are some species within the genus cannabis that are beneficial to us. One such species is hemp, or Cannabis sativa. For the longest time, industrial manufacturing of 

How To Organize Your Move

How To Organize Your Move

One of the most annoying experiences in life is moving to a new residence. There is so much to plan and do, and it often seems like you are still trying to pack and clean on moving day. Many people think that all they have 

5 Common Signs You Need Help Combating Your Substance Abuse Problem

5 Common Signs You Need Help Combating Your Substance Abuse Problem

Drug addiction and substance abuse is a nasty phenomenon. It’s one of those things that seems so far-fetched. You hear stories of people doing crazy things just to get one more fix, and think to yourself “There’s no way I’d ever let that happen to 

6 Overarching Goals You Should Have On Your Bucket List

6 Overarching Goals You Should Have On Your Bucket List

The world is an incredible place. You could spend every single moment of every single day finding something new to do without ever running out of options. It really is that enormous. Unfortunately, many of us choose not to live life to the fullest, instead opting to 

Video: How Mentally Strong People Come Out About Mental Illness

Video: How Mentally Strong People Come Out About Mental Illness

Whenever the thought of telling others about my mental illness entered my mind, I felt a wave of anxiety pass through me. My head began to pound, my heart sped up, my breathing became fast and shallow, almost like I was suffocating. If I didn’t 

Natural Ways To Treat A Cold In Babies And Toddlers

Natural Ways To Treat A Cold In Babies And Toddlers

When young children get sick, it’s easy to panic and head straight for the doctor’s office, which could mean endless waiting in stuffy rooms full of sick people, often exposing you to even more germs and possible illness. Babies get restless and become distressed and 

10 Ways to be a Better Patient

10 Ways to be a Better Patient

Studies have shown that only 6 percent of doctors are happy with their profession. A lot of their issues can be attributed to health insurance red tape, but it is also important to note that patients have a big impact on their daily morale. Fortunately, 

Level One Exercise Plan to Lose Weight

Level One Exercise Plan to Lose Weight

Who has enough time to exercise right? With your busy work schedule and taking care of your family, you are probably exhausted and just want to relax when you’re at home. Going to the gym is simply out of the question because there is just