4 Makeup Trends to Ditch in 2018
The good, the bad, and the ugly trends of 2017 that have no place in the new year.
As 2017 comes to a close, it’s good to look back on the year and remind yourself of the highlights.
This year was another good one for fashion, as brands like Gucci and Michael Kors pledged to go fur-free and Balenciaga somehow managed to make platform Crocs high-fashion.
Just like with fashion, makeup goes through new trends year after year, bringing excitement and change to the industry and its loyal customers.
But, also like fashion, there are some makeup trends that have become stale and therefore are long overdue to be retired. These are the trends that in 30 years will be looked back on with shaking heads and groans of embarrassment.
Read on to discover my take on what trends should cease to exist in the year 2018, for the sake of future generations:
1. Holographic Makeup

I understand the appeal of holographic makeup. After all, who wouldn’t want their eyelids to have a cool, alien-like holo effect?
The problem with this is, the entire holographic makeup trend is, for the most part, a sham.
When companies claim their products are “holographic”, they usually just mean that the packaging is holographic, or that the product is either iridescent or really, really shiny.
Either way, I’m not here for this lie! It’s high time to ditch holographic, and the new year is the perfect time to do it.
2. Colored Highlighters

I went back and forth on this one for awhile. While I do think colored highlighters can look stunning (especially on deeper skin tones), it’s just not very practical.
I know, I know…. Makeup doesn’t have to be practical. But you reach a certain point when something becomes too gimmicky to be taken seriously as a staple product.
As ethereal as these colorful highlights can be, there’s just something about this trend that I can’t get on board with.
For me, colored highlights are a passing phase and should naturally drop off in the year 2018.
3. Braided Eyebrows/Squiggly Eyebrows
All of the more recent crazy eyebrow trends, including the Christmas tree eyebrows, are strange to me.
I can appreciate the inventiveness of jazzing up a facial feature that’s normally very plain and boring, but I don’t see the longevity of these trends lasting into 2018.
For one, these types of brows are really only good for Instagram pictures, then when that’s over you’re left with crazy-looking eyebrows that will earn you some serious stares.
Overall, these eyebrow trends that helped define makeup in 2017 should probably stay in 2017.
4. Black Winged Eyeliner
Now now, don’t plan my murder before I explain this one.
I love a wing as much as the next person, but I’m starting to realize how much more creative I can be without winged liner on my lids.
For a long time, plain black winged eyeliner has been a crutch for many a makeup looks. If you absolutely, positively cannot live without eyeliner, try out a funky color or a glitter liner instead of plain black.
All I’m saying is, in 2018 it’s time to be a little more inventive with eye makeup.
What’s your least favorite makeup trend of 2017?
What’s your most favorite trend? Let me know in the comments!
Source: #Fashionblogger #fashiontrends