6 Non-Cliché New Year's Resolutions to Ensure You Have Your Best Year Ever
New year, new resolutions!
Person A: “Hey, it’s the new year. Do you have any resolutions?”
Person B: “Oh, I have the same resolutions I’ve had since 2009. To lose weight, be in a relationship, and have clear skin.”

How many of us have had conversations like the one above? We continue to pursue the same old New Year’s resolutions every single year. We want to lose weight or look better or find the perfect relationship. But as Person B mentioned above, that is so 2009!
It’s 2018! We need to reinvent the meaning of New Year’s resolutions. We need alternative New Year’s resolutions.
Below, I’ve complied a list of New Year’s resolutions that are better than the cliché ones we never accomplish. Oh, and BTW there’s no rule that says you have to start on January 1st. Start today and make this your best year yet!
1. Take Care of Yourself

Life is stressful! Doesn’t it seem like you have a million things on your to-do list? It does for me. Sometimes life gets so out of hand, we forget to take care of ourselves.
So make this year, a self-care year. (More on the self care resolution in this CF post!) You can do this by eating healthy, taking trips, indulging in naps when needed, drinking tea, or simply taking a break. Whatever it is, you deserve to be at your best!
Tip: Dedicate at least 30mins-1 hour a day to doing something that you enjoy or that makes you feel pampered and restored. Block out that time on your schedule!
2. Let Go of Unnecessary Things

If we are honest with ourselves, most of us tend to hold onto items a little too long. For instance, we may have that dress tucked in the back of our closet, that we swore would fit us last year and the year before that and the year before that. And it never fits, but it still sits there.
Whatever your unnecessary items are, it’s time to part ways. Decluttering is the solution. You can even declutter your thoughts!
Tip: Try scheduling monthly decluttering sessions on your planner. Even just spending an hour one weekend decluttering can make a massive difference in your state of mind.
3. Be Grateful

Whether it’s money, clothes, food, a car, or whatever, it’s easy to look at our lives and see what we lack. But it’s time to step back and appreciate all that we do have.
I suggest watching the following video, which will put things into perspective:
Tip: Think of at least 10 things you are grateful for each day. See our post on how to practice gratitude for more tips on making gratitude a part of your life.
4. Unplug

Living in an extremely tech savvy age, it’s nearly impossible to step away from your phone. Especially with apps like Snapchat and Instagram, you may feel left out if you aren’t scrolling through photos/videos of your friends 24/7.
But it can get excessive. And it’s okay to take a break once and awhile.
So this year, let’s try not to be super glued to our phones. I think this is one of the most important resolutions we can make.
Tip: Try to routinely take social media cleanses….take a week off from social media and just enjoy life. See our list of apps to help you focus for ways to block yourself from social media.
5. Learn Something New

“New Year, New Me”, right? Well why not “New Year, New Skill”?!
The new year is a perfect time to pick up a new talent. Learn to finally play an instrument, maybe the ukulele. Learn some arts and crafts, maybe knitting. Learn a new language, maybe American Sign Language. Whatever it is, dedicate the year to learning it. Give yourself permission to be a beginner and just dive in!
Tip: Find a beginners YouTube video on what you want to learn. Or check out this list of the best places to learn new skills online.
6. Go Somewhere New

Who doesn’t love to travel? There is so much to see out there but you have to make the effort to get out there to see it.
Make it a point this year to find a new place to go each month. For instance, find hidden gems in your capital city or explore a nature preserve nearby. If you have the means to go further, travel to a new state or better yet a new country!
Tip: Start by exploring your town/city — we did a whole post on this idea. It’s fun to challenge yourself to try something new without going too far. Plus, it’s budget-friendly.
It’s your turn now!

Whatever your New Year’s resolutions are, I urge you to consider changing it up this year and trying some alternative New Year’s resolutions. So what are you waiting for? Get to brainstorming those resolutions. We would love to hear what you come up with. And let us know if you have any new goals for this year!
Source: #Fashionblogger #fashiontrends