7 Common Mistakes Every Writer Makes
Feel as though you are the only one in the world who keeps making mistakes with your blog?
Making mistakes is all part of running a blog or website. It happens.
Here are 7 common mistakes that every blogger makes. You will be surprised to learn that it’s far more common that you think! When you are busy with life and rushing to get blog posts together for submission, you end up rushing the process of posting.
The number #1 common mistake: using the wrong photos. Yes, you may have come across this problem once or twice within someone else’s blog, or even your own. Using the right photos in your blog can change the whole look and feel of your article. A lot of bloggers tend to rush the photo portion, and not really ensure that the image is tied to what the article is about. Making sure your photo relates to your article can make all the difference to your readers.
Spelling and Grammar
So you’re writing an article, and rushing to get it published on time, but you forgot to spellcheck and you hit that “publish” button too quickly. This happens ALL the time; literally everyone does this. Not to say this is good in any sense because it comes off as inexperienced or unprepared, but this mistake does happen. The important thing to know for next time is to slow down, take a minute to review your content, and even sleep on it before you hit publish. Sometimes that extra day or two can really make the difference for your article.
Lacking positivity
Your readers are your community, the lifeline to your blog’s success, without them you wouldn’t really exist as a writer. Lacking positivity often occurs among bloggers, and this can be a huge downfall. There are some writers out there who only post roughly cut articles, with strong opinions and no optimism. These blogs tend to fail because they aren’t touching the hearts of their readers. The readership then sees this article as merely negative, and they tend to move along to the next website. Keep your articles lighthearted, motivational, informative and most importantly: engaging.
Media Sharing
OK, so this has to be the largest issue for most bloggers: not having social media platforms linked to their blog. Readers visit their website expecting to see a fantastic article, and next they are looking to connect with you on some type of platform, but if you don’t have your platforms linked to your website, how can your readers connect? Make sure you plug in all of your platforms so that your audience can get in touch with you!
Color Scheme
My favorite! Colors play such a key role in any website’s success. Colors that pop and beautiful schemes are all anyone looks for when they run across a website. Some bloggers use the wrong colors, and this can really make your audience cringe. Luckily there is a simple fix for all of this, and that is researching different color schemes. There are plenty of websites out there that provide you with different color schemes that really work for you.
A large part of our day is spent either working, doing housework, taking care of our families and that leaves us with little time to sit down and write out blog posts. When can the inspiration really flow? At night seems to be the most popular time for writers to get their work done, it is for me, at least. I know that time is of the essence, and that you don’t have much of it, so take the time to read your articles before publishing immediately and then running off to finish your other chores. Great things take time, and you must put in the hours if you want your articles to be worth the read.
Creativity and Uniqueness
Most blogs out there are simply copies of another one. Quite a few people take ideas and transfer them over to their own blog because they want to be the same as everyone else. Trust me when I say, your audience is subscribing and reading your articles for a reason, there really is no need to steal someone else’s unique idea and bring it to your website. You are a creative individual, and you should own that to allow your audience to accept who you are from the start. Trust me, the pressure of being yourself will be lifted as people appreciate uniqueness and creativity. They love different, so try something new.
I hope this post has inspired you to become a better writer. Don’t feel that you are the only one in the world who is making errors. A hundred percent of writers make errors on a daily basis, that’s how we learn. There is nothing wrong with it. As long as you take the necessary steps to correct them, you are headed down the right path!
The post 7 Common Mistakes Every Writer Makes appeared first on Lifehack.
Source: Fashion