Hautelinks: Week of 12/14/17
Plus the rest of our favorite links of the week.

Anyone interested in trying a Korean birchbox?
This cute mini Christmas tree DIY will have your dorm room looking festive.
Pinterest has predicted the best beauty trends of 2018. Are you ready?
Pinterest also predicted the biggest decor trends for the new year.
What about Kylie Jenner’s new concealer line? I’m on the fence.
Jeffree Star had some feeling on Kylie’s line. Agree/disagree?
And MannyMUA reviews the Kylie $360 brush set in depth. I gotta say, I may be cheap but there’s no way I’d pay that much for ANY brand of brushes!
This Refinery29 post will tell you what THE must-have xmas present was the year you were born. Brings back memories!
Crying inside: Freeform no longer has the rights to the Harry Potter movies.
Cupcakes & Cashmere has some solutions to the 7 most annoying travel problems.
Darling Magazine shows you how to help the victims of the CA wildfires.
Oooh: Cardi B and Steve Madden are teaming up. This should be good!
Man Repeller has a diary of a working student – love this honest money diaries series.
Excited: Fenty Beauty is launching matte lipsticks.
In other lipstick news, Sephora collection is launching a new lipstick collection.
USA Today has everything you need to know about The Last Jedi. SO HYPED!
Here’s a beauty gift guide for the beauty girl who has all the things already.
This new website helps you avoid creeps on TV and in movies.
Harvard Business Review has a great article on how to be more productive without burning out.
Fascinating: These were the most-used fashion words this year.
Wit + Delight has a self-care approach to making plans. Love this!
Here’s what’s coming and going from Netflix in January 2018.
The Takeout has an ultimate list of tips for the best grilled cheese ever.
The Best Advice for Saving As Much Money As You Can, via Lifehacker.
Yum!! The best brownie recipes for every type of brownie lover.
Instagram just gave hashtags a major upgrade.
Cute: Celebrities answer your pressing questions via video.
From Racked, Targeted Ads Are Ruining My Christmas. Anyone else experience this?
Via The Cut, Tavi Gevinson shares her strategies for getting things done.
From Gal Meets Glam, photography tips for beginners.
And finally… cooling off in some hot weather.
Source: #Fashionblogger #fashiontrends