Hautelinks: Week of 1/4/18
Plus the rest of our favorite links this week.

My Year of No Shopping, via NYT. Could you possibly do this?
The 8 Best Tips I’ve Learned from Cookbooks, from Cupcakes & Cashmere.
I think everyone can relate on some level: Ask Polly: Why Am I So Lazy?
Refinery29 has your ultimate list of fashion industry insiders to know in 2018.
In a similar vein, Fashionista lists the up and coming fashion influencers to watch this year.
Also from Fashionista, how publications go about choosing the “sneaker of the year”. Fascinating!
Congrats to Jessica Alba who gave birth to a baby boy on New Year’s Eve! So sweet.
Speaking of sweet, Chip and Joanna Gaines are expecting a baby this year!
If you have a New Year’s Resolution, it might be best to start it off as tiny as you possibly can.
See also: 15 Inspiring and Practical Books to Help You Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions. I’m reading “Emotional Agility” now and love it!
MAC will soon start selling BeautyBlenders — two of our faves, together at last <3
Apple announced it will be offering discounted iPhone batteries for the rest of the year. Here’s why you should take advantage, even if you have a new-ish phone.
If you shopped at Claire’s recently, be warned: Some of their products just tested positive for asbestos.
Here’s how to get your beauty products organized for the new year.
Love Zendaya’s smokey eye tutorial. More tutorials, please!
Uh oh: Scientists predict a chocolate shortage by 2050. *hoards all the chocolate*
Ulta just revamped its rewards program and it’s better than ever for girls who spend a lot.
18 Ways to Be a Better Person in 2018, from Because I’m Addicted.
Refinery29 helps you decode all those long and ambiguous terms on your beauty product bottles.
Ooh, exciting: Anastasia is launching bronzer soon.
YESS: Let Rihanna be your 2018 style guide. Done and done.
And here are the new beauty launches to get hyped for this year.
From Man Repeller, How to Train Yourself to be a Morning Person. Forever working on this.
These minimalist tattoos are too cute.
Allure has the ultimate skin care regimen for your 20s.
It’s gonna be a good year for Disney fans — so much to look forward to.
H&M just launched a new “affordable luxury” brand. Excited to check it out.
r/Eatcheapandhealthy has a great list of salad recipes for those trying to eat healthier in the new year.
These are predicted to be the biggest hair trends of the year.
And W has the fashion trends you should watch for in 2018.
Forbes did a list of fashion trend predictions as well. We’ll have to wait and see which ones come true!
Yes: 8 Feminist Resolutions That We Can All Get Down With For 2018.
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez spent New Year’s Eve together and this post has all the details.
Speaking of celebs on New Year’s, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds prove they are just the cutest ever.
If you, like me, have trouble sleeping, Refinery29 has some helpful apps to try.
You obviously protect yourself from the cold in winter, but newsflash: your phone needs protection too!
Oooh, Sephora’s 2018 birthday freebies are so good.
And finally… 31 dogs who absolutely love winter!
Source: #Fashionblogger #fashiontrends