New Apartment, New You: 5 Things to Do First When Moving to a New Place
Whether it’s just a new dorm room or your first apartment, here’s how to make moving day easier.

There come moments in your life that are unexpected and strange. As a student and resident assistant, the most unexpected changes in my life usually result from people (including me) moving. Even in the second half of the school year, life likes to throw curveballs and suddenly, you may find yourself trying to squeeze your life into several boxes and checking the new lease agreement you jumped in on.
As someone who is going through that right now, rest assured, I can relate. It can be nerve-wracking to move into a new place, be it a dorm room or an apartment. Once the packing is done and the moving begins, chances are you’ll feel a bit lost and overwhelmed. However, if you keep this mini moving to-do list in mind, you’ll survive this move (and can focus on more important things, like living your best life).
1. If you can, clean before you move in.

This may be a no-brainer, but before you start moving in your boxes, do at least a quick wipe down of the kitchen and bathroom areas, since these will be the areas you will use first/most the first day in your new place. It’ll take a few moments and it will keep you from being too overwhelmed when you would just rather unpack. (Of course, if you have more time, it will feel great to give the whole place a good cleaning before you move in!)
Throw a few rolls of toilet paper in the bathroom, a few hand soaps at your sinks and enjoy your clean place after you get all your boxes.
2. Have an Overnight Bag Packed with the Essentials

Chances are that you won’t unpack everything the first night, so it is crucial to keep a few foolproof outfits on hand, as well as your go-to hygiene/beauty products separate from the mass of boxes.
For one thing, it allows you to fall into bed whenever you’re ready to give up on unpacking, and for another, it allows you peace of mind knowing your basic items are close at hand. (This is especially important if you are moving while still attending classes and working.)
3. Move furniture and big items first
Sure, you may think getting the smaller boxes first will be the best way to pace yourself, but if your goal is to get your place live-able in quick order, furniture absolutely needs to come first.
There’s the added benefit of having more places to put your boxes, but more importantly, it will be easier to arrange your furniture in the places you want/need them, instead of trying to do it around the piles of boxes.
4. Make moving a social get-together
Let’s be honest — no one wants to move alone. The easiest answer to that dilemma? Call in your friends and make it a party!
It will make the process faster, and everyone will already be curious about your new place, so why not give them a sneak peek? Just be sure to feed them and keep a bumping playlist in the back (or your favorite movie) and your friends should be happy to help!
5. Treat Yourself After Moving
You worked super hard to make the space yours — it’s time to relax and celebrate. This may be an extra bit of self-care for you on moving day or a celebration of a part of the new place that you’ll especially enjoy.
For instance, on my upcoming move-in day, I’m looking forward to enjoying a Lush bath bomb since I finally have a bathtub to enjoy it in. Maybe you want to celebrate actually having a kitchen by cooking a bomb meal in it. Maybe you want to have friends over to chill in your new living room. No matter what, congratulate yourself on a job well done.
What do you think?
Are you moving anytime soon? What are your go-to tips for moving day? What is something happening in your life — and how can we help? Let us know in the comments!
Source: #Fashionblogger #fashiontrends