West Hollywood Halloween Carnaval

Written by Shinta

Who doesn’t like Halloween, right? This is the time of the year that we can all family from kids to adult that can enjoy having fun with the creativity to make our own costumes and show off our own creation. Some peoples who really into the glamour, wicked, devilish costumes look will go all the way out and had prepared for weeks or even months ahead to make those costumes or even just order them online. Either way, we always find a way to make it work and fun.

So, where do we have to go to celebrate Halloween besides taking our kids (if you have kids) trick and treat knock in every door’s neighborhood? Party at the friend’s house? Or even have more fun at the club or bar?

When I lived in Las Vegas, I used to celebrate Halloween hopping from one casino to another casino. It was fun and glamorous.

But this time, I will take you to the world largest Halloween Carnaval street party in West Hollywood. Admission is free to this world-famous event, which includes live music and entertainment on multiple stages along Santa Monica Blvd.

According to WEHO Carnaval Facts, The West Hollywood Halloween Carnaval in West Hollywood began in 1987, three years after West Hollywood officially became a city. Although well-attended throughout the 90s, the Carnaval expanded dramatically in 2001, reaching 350,000 people in attendance. The City of West Hollywood, which typically has a population of 35,000 people, becomes California’s seventh-largest city during the Carnaval, welcoming approximately 500,000 people on Halloween night. To give some perspective on the size of the event, the Los Angeles Coliseum Holds 120,000 people, only about a quarter of the Carnaval’s expected turnout.

The costumes are amazingly beautiful. You walk from one side of the street to the end of the block. There was like endless costumes parades.

Here are some of the most gorgeous and devilish costumes we photographed.

Enjoy the Parades!

Till next time…

Be Sexy and Fabulous with I’m a Sexy Girl

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