Hautelinks: Week of 8/18/16
We’ve got the cuteness of Simone and Zac, end of summer bucket list ideas, #dormgoals inspo, and more!

ICYMI, Zac Efron and Simone Biles met this week and it was beyond adorbs.
Speaking of Simone, she posted this super cute throwback pic of her and Laurie Hernandez. Aww!
Here’s how much an Olympic medal actually earns you. Fascinating!
And HuffPo has a roundup of Olympians wearing regular clothes and it’s… weird.
30 Things to Do by the End of Summer, via Cupcakes + Cashmere.
Free People also has an end-of-summer bucket list. There’s still (a little) time!
The new semester is starting! Feel like time is rushing by way too fast? Have all the time in the world with these tips.
Can you say #DormGoals? Check out this unbelievable dorm room.
Aaand of course The Cut asks, how long until these dorm mates hate each other? Pessimistic but funny.
“Types of Guys I Would Like to Date,” from the New Yorker. So funny.
Here’s why bullet journaling and more complex planning tools make your brain feel good.
So much love for Taylor Swift’s old Myspace blogs. Gold.
An amazing shoe find at Costco of all places, via The Budget Babe.
Golden Milk Chia Seed Pudding is our new answer to breakfast smoothies (so much fun).
Domino has some IKEA hacks for dorm rooms that are super stylish.
This might be the hardest fashion quiz ever.
Want to bribe yourself to do schoolwork? Add some sensory TLC to make it feel less chore-like.
8 Decorating Rules When You Have a Roommate, from Refinery29.
Buzzfeed rounded up some super cute and inexpensive school supplies.
Everything You Need to Know About Kylie’s New Lip Kit Colors, via Glamour.
CNet has a guide to making cold brew coffee at home.
Here’s how to handle a job or internship while you’re in college.
Get excited for new fall TV with E!’s preview of the best and worst shows.
Everything I Wish I Knew Before Entering College, via Zanita.
ELLE breaks down the hottest fall 2016 shoe trends to try.
49 Incredible Films You Can Watch in 90 Minutes, for those pressed for time.
Refinery29 rounds up the best pieces from up-and-coming teen designers.
Love these dorm room organizing tips from Apartment Therapy.
Ah, dare to dream: The Rich Kid’s Guide to Stocking a Million Dollar Dorm.
Stranger Things fans, send your pals notes from the upside down with this Christmas lights message generator.
And here’s a fab Stranger Things playlist.
The Atlantic explains why method acting has become a caricature of itself, and why Hollywood’s best method actor is actually a woman (one of my personal faves!).
For recent grads, The Glitter Guide has tips for transitioning from college to career.
If you have some free time this weekend, I recommend perusing The Atlantic’s roundup of the best nonfiction pieces of 2015.
And PopSugar has 7 pieces of advice for college freshmen.
8 Fitness Apps That Are Cheaper Than Your Gym Membership, from PopSugar Fit.
Buzzfeed did a great longform piece on Twitter’s failure to stop harassment and the many issues that arise when you try to censor dialogue online. (NSFW due to language.)
Get creative with your notebooks and clipboards with these cute DIY ideas.
Did you read any of these blockbuster summer 2016 books?
For those 21+, which Disney princess do you turn into when you’re drunk? I got Ariel, haha!
Bottled Pumpkin Spice frapps? Yes, please.
WhoWhatWear has a look at Gigi Hadid’s new Tommy Hilfiger collab.
Also from WhoWhatWear, the best t-shirts under $15 as rated by Amazon users.
One more from WWW: These Instagrams will inspire you to rebrand your feed.
10 Must-Visit Bakeries in New York City, via World of Wanderlust.
Ooh, this quiz is tough: Can you choose the least expensive college?
For aspiring writers: Vulture’s excellent How to Plot a Novel series will get your wheels turning.
29 Magical Things That Will Turn Your Home Into Hogwarts. <3
So cute: a bunny that paints!
Source: #Fashionblogger #fashiontrends