Hooray for the Last Hurrah! Here's How to Make the Most of Senior Year
A list of goals and bucket list to-dos for finishing out my senior year with style.

Four years later and I have finally made it to this moment.
I am a senior in college, feeling old as sh*t, and all I can say is:
In these short few years I have endured loss and heartache and struggled past insecurities and anxieties.
I have celebrated little wins with margaritas and celebrated little losses…also with margaritas.
I have met people who watch me dance around the living room to Mamma Mia for hours, and who even jump in without putting up (too much of) a fight.
I have celebrated life and love (perhaps a little too much.)
I have learned that the most valuable lesson is the importance of taking each day by storm, making the most out of every little moment, and that nothing cures a bad day quite like a 30 second dance party.
While I have certainly had a memorable college experience so far, I can’t help but feel like I have fallen a little flat in some areas, like I could have done better or made more memories. But not to worry, there is still time!
It only seems right that my senior year is nothing less than a tribute to all my years.
So, here are 10 goals/bucket list to-dos in celebration of my last hurrah:
1. Say Yes to More
This is not the year for excuses – say yes to everything!
Take advantage of every opportunity to learn, to network, to have fun.
Go to every game, party, and event, because this is your time.
2. Don’t Take No for an Answer — Only Consider a Maybe
Go after what you want while you have the resources to, be a persistent squeaky wheel!
Let doors open for you, and when they are locked, break them down.
3. Be Selfish
Don’t be mean or inconsiderate, but do things for you!
Do things you want to do because you want to and ditch out on things you don’t like, even if other people want you to do them.
Take what you want, do it for you.
4. Spread Love in Places Old and New
Now is the time to mend fences and leave everyone on a good note.
This is a year of celebration and happiness. You have enough to stress over when it comes to finding a job post-grad, so why stress about the tiff you had with a friend freshman year and never fully got over?
My advice: get over it and spread love everywhere you go. Leave everyone you meet feeling like sunshine!
5. Exhaust Every Possibility and Opportunity
Go for everything. Even if it flops you (and your resume) will be better for it.
6. Make an Impact and Be a Role Model
Whether it is by being a leader in an organization or just living by example, be the senior the younger girls look up to and want to be one day.
I am most excited to hopefully take a young girl in my sorority under my wing this year and teach them all I have learned throughout my college years.
Wouldn’t it be cool to think that you’ll be remembered for just being you?
7. Spend Every Weekend Doing Something Amazing
Now, this is an area that I have definitely faltered in, falling prey to my beloved Sunday mornings in bed.
Plan out weekends with your friends; go on road trips, to museums, or concerts!
Remember: you can always sleep when you’re dead.
8. Take All the Pictures, Make All the Mems
This one is self-explanatory!
Never let a “picture moment” pass you by; memories falter, but photos will always be there to bring you back to your college days.
9. Do and Say All the Scary Things
This is your last chance to tell that cutie in chemistry that you think there might be some real chemistry between you two. Or, a sister in your sorority how much you truly admire them.
Take this chance to speak up!
10. Embrace the Wild Side
Do things you never thought you would.
Say things you never thought you would.
Be the most wild side of yourself!
I’m hoping I don’t hype my senior year up too much. But, lets be honest, it’s going to be one for the books!
I want to hear from you in the comments below!
What do you want out of your senior year? What’s on your bucket list? What is one thing you’re going to do this year?
Source: #Fashionblogger #fashiontrends