Looks on Campus: Grace – Michigan State University
Shop local, dress unique.
Grace’s laid-back, layered style is filled with comfy-cool pieces and one-of-a-kind boutique finds. Whether she’s playing video games or performing spoken word poetry, her unique personality is mirrored in her swoon-worthy wardrobe.

Grace 101
Name: Grace
Year: Junior
Major: Arts and Humanities
School: Michigan State University
Hometown: Midland, MI
Let’s Talk Fashion
Who or what inspires your style? “Probably a piece of advice that I got in high school. This will sound weird, but just bear with me. When I walk, I don’t walk with much confidence or dress with much confidence, so I had a friend tell me to walk like I’ve just killed someone. So they meant if you walk like you just killed someone you walk with confidence, like a badass. Which has informed my style to a certain degree.”
Where do you like to shop? “I try to do local stuff. I don’t shop very often but when I do, [it’s] when I’m visiting someone or visiting my grandparents [and] I’ll see what’s around. Otherwise it’s online stores like Modcloth.”
How would you describe your sense of style? “I don’t quite know how to answer that question… Probably manic pixie dreamgirl meets trashcan. That’s my aesthetic. That’s the closest I’ve got.”
How would you say your style has evolved since coming to college? “I would say I’ve embraced femininity more. I grew up with boys, brothers, [and] mostly male friends, so I never really explored that. Now I’ll wear skirts every day! It’s fun. I guess being separated from masculine influence and being surrounded more by women has made me realize that I can do this. I can wear dresses and skirts.”
What fashion advice would you give others looking to improve their style? “Go with stuff that you can mix and match and that you can dress up and down. Like don’t shop for occasions but get versatile things. That’s what’s helped me the most.”
Why did you choose this particular outfit? “I like leggings. They’re comfy and you can just do whatever. And I like this jacket just because it’s big and warm and it makes me feel warm and cozy and makes me feel confident… like I could commit murder.”
What are your favorite trends right now? “I like that curly, natural hair is coming back into style. I remember growing up in the early 2000’s when the trend was stick straight, almost wet hair. So I’m glad that natural hair is viewed more positively now.”
What do you do for fun? Do you have any unique hobbies or interests? “I play a lot of video games, do some writing… I like poetry, I do a lot of spoken word, play guitar, read… that’s pretty much my life!”
If you could raid anyone’s closet, who would it be and why? “I’m thinking of celebrities and I don’t know a lot about celebrity fashion, but on Facebook recently I saw a post on Emma Watson’s sustainable wardrobe which is cool, so I’ll go with that.”
Elements of Grace’s Outfit
1. Denim Jacket

Whether molded into jeans, jackets, or chambray shirts, denim is a staple piece in every college girl’s wardrobe. Because denim is such a basic fabric, it’s easy to find or customize an item to fit your personal style. Grace’s jacket has a slightly oversized fit with distressed detailing that adds an edge. Even though she purchased hers at a boutique in her hometown, finding a staple piece of outerwear at the mall or at your local thrift store makes this an essential, easy-to-get clothing item.
2. Heeled Oxford Booties & Mismatched Socks

Booties – especially if they’re heeled – add an instant style boost to any outfit. Grace’s oxford lace-ups add a touch of elegance; her mismatched socks, a hint of whimsy. As a bonus, she’s had her oxfords for so long that she can’t remember where she got them. It just goes to show that investing in a good pair of shoes can give you footwear that lasts a lifetime.
3. Handmade Jewelry

Handmade and from a local boutique in northern Michigan, Grace’s necklace adds unique color and texture to her staple pieces. Taking a cue from Grace, step outside the mall, tear your fingertips away from your go-to online store, and check out the downtown area of your closest metropolis! Whether you’re shopping boutiques or craft fairs, supporting local businesses and artists is a great way to get unique, one-of-a-kind pieces that no one else will have.
Now we want to know what you think!
Do you love Grace’s handmade necklace? Would you wear her booties? Comment below and let us know what you think about mismatched socks.
Source: #Fashionblogger #fashiontrends