The Top 5 Best Parts of Heading Back to School
Just because summer is over doesn’t mean fun is, too!

Ahhhh, summer. Those long, lazy days of beach-bumming, lemonade-sipping, and hammock-rocking…are over for the year.
Bummer, I know. You never truly appreciate having nothing to do on a summer afternoon until the school year pops its head back into your life and your schedule is suddenly crammed with homework, projects, sports, clubs, and oh, so much more. Ugh, school is the worst, right?
Yeah, I’ll admit, I’m as little a fan of tests and group projects as the next gal, but school, like life itself, has its good parts and bad parts. The good parts, though? They ROCK! Here are just a few of my favorite things about starting a new school year:
New Friends

The cliche in movies and TV is the two close-as-can-be, ride-or-die friends that have known each other since they were both in diapers. If you just so happen to have one of those friendships, congrats! If you’re like me and you’ve been in and out of friendships throughout the years, don’t worry. It happens to the best of us, and it’s not your fault.
That’s why, though, it’s important to take advantage of the infinite opportunities for socializing that college offers. Join a club you never considered before! Get your weekend homework done early so you can tailgate at football games! Or, if all else fails, just sit next to somebody new and say “hi.” Before you know it, you’ll be making your very own #squadgoals.
New Teachers

Look, not all of us are going to be taught by Mr. Keating from Dead Poets Society. In fact, some of us may be stuck with the Teacher from The Black Lagoon for a semester or so. No teacher is perfect, and not all teachers are even very good. But some are just right for the students assigned to them.
Whether they’re willing to stay after school to help you ace a tough subject, lend an ear when you’re having a bad day, or are just up to date on Game of Thrones, teachers can often be just as cool as their students. If you meet one with whom you really connect, you might just be making a lifelong connection.
School Supplies

Accuse me of being a dork if you wish, but don’t deny it: school supplies are the best. There’s nothing quite like breaking the spine on a new notebook or writing the first entry in your new planner. As for sharpening freshly-bought pencils? That’s downright intoxicating, if you ask me.
And if you’re a naysayer who says that school supplies are all ugly binders and marble composition books, please draw your attention to the above photo which features adorable pencils that reference Beyonce’ and self love. I rest my case.
New School Wardrobe

Confession: I love, love, LOVE sweater weather (and not just the song by The Neighbourhood. Which I also love). I live for the time of year where I can wear a big, thick, chunky sweater all seven days of the week, each one the color of an autumn leaf – chocolate brown, mustard yellow, burgundy, etc. They make me feel cozy and stylish at the same time, which in my book makes for a perfect wardrobe staple.
I know I’m not the only one who loves fall fashion, but perhaps you all have different reasons. Some of you may adore well broken-in jeans, while others may worship at the altar of cute ankle boots. Whatever your style, the school year is a great opportunity to show off your chic stuff.
Fun Classes

Math, English, science, social studies….we all know them and have a liking for at least one of them, but don’t you ever want to branch out a little? Good news, then: the start of every school year is the best time for you to dig deep into your school’s class choices and select something a little out of the ordinary. For example, I’m currently taking Film and American History, where half of the curriculum is based around movie-watching, and next semester I might just take modern dance!
Just by Googling the term “unusual classes,” I came across courses like “Tree Climbing” at Cornell University, “Elvish” at University of Wisconsin, and, of course…“Underwater Basket Weaving” at Reed College. Not all are still offered, but you get the idea. So, yeah, classes don’t have to be all grammar and algebra, so long as you know the right ones to choose.
What are your thoughts?
We all have our favorite parts of heading back to school. These, like I said, are just a few of my own favorites. So now tell me, dear readers: what gets you most excited about the new school year? Are there any unique courses at your school? What is your favorite school supply? Thanks for reading!
Source: #Fashionblogger #fashiontrends