Underground Trends: Cutester

Photo Credit: Elle.com

Hello and welcome to your inside scoop on all things cyber-trendy! In this new series, I’ll be breaking down three “underground trends” – aesthetics that originated on the internet and bled over into real life.

This week, we’re tackling Cutester.

Are you thinking of heart-shaped eyes, bubblegum pink, and a touch of Harajuku? You wouldn’t be wrong: Cutester originated in London as a youth subculture. Branching from the bearded, plaid-clad hipster movement, subscribers sought a tamer, more dressed-up, infantile approach.

If you’re feeling a bit skeptical, you’re not alone. I wasn’t sure quite what to make of Cutesters (beyond, you know, wanting to steal their kitten-soft sweaters). For an exhaustive history, check out this article from Vice UK.

Here’s what you need to know: Cutesters are cereal-eating childhood nostalgics, clad in cartoon character-inspired T-shirts, pigtails, primaries and pastels, and fast food prints. They’re creative souls who stage rebellions inspired not by edge, but rather the lack of it. In other words, they hearken back to a simpler time. The word on the street is that they can be described as “adorable” or “harmless.”

Get the Look(s):

#1: Casual

Products: Shirt, Overalls, Tights, Necklace 1 & 2, and Phone Case. 

If you’re feeling more casual than ultra-femme, try overall shorts paired with a fun graphic T-shirt and tights. Edge the look up with a pair of Doc Martens and add a pendant necklace or velvet choker to polish up the playful side of this look. Sugar, spice, and just enough nice.

#2: Cool

Products: Top, Heels, Skinnies, Lipstick, and Purse.

Who doesn’t love some sweet ice cream? Pair a super cute tank with ripped skinnies, blocky heels, and a fun satchel to spice up your look. To take things to the next level, try a bright, Barbie-pink lip. 

#3: Carefree

Products: Dress, Jacket, Sneakers, Earrings, and Nail Polish.

Take a hint from Lucky Charms and rock some vibrant technicolor! Mix in sneakers and a varsity jacket for a sporty vibe to counterbalance the sweet. Finish things off with funky stud earrings, soft nail polish, and just the right amount of attitude.


Would YOU try the Cutester trend for a day? What are some other “underground trends” you want to see here? Are you Team Pastel, or Team Technicolor? Let’s talk! 

Source: #Fashionblogger #fashiontrends

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